Saturday, 26 December 2015


Have you ever been stuck in front of your wardrobe wondering what on earth you should wear or just feeling like you have no clothes? Well, today I'm going to show you a solution to this problem, that will save time and help you feel organised for the days to come. This is what I call the outfit planner. So basically what it is, is a piece of paper that shows lots of different outfits from your wardrobe. For mine I included every summer item into an outfit and took a photograph of each one. I then put all the photographs into one document. I chose to stick my outfit planner on the inside of my wardrobe cupboard for easy access. This way when you are stuck on what to wear you just look at your outfit planner and you could choose one from a wide range of outfits. This will not only help you with time but you will also be able to store your clothes more easily because you won't have to be able to see all of your clothes to know you have them. 

This is how mine turned out:

My Twin Sister's Critique:
I was so impressed with this idea that I did it myself. I have found out so much about my own style. Before I didn't really know if I had a style but now I know that my wardrobe consists of mainly blues, whites and denim. Now that I have used this I am able to remember all the clothes I own without having to completely empty my cupboard. Great Idea!!!!!